Organic Food
In the past finding organic food to eat was simple. You went out back to the garden, or to the neighbor’s farm and got what you needed. Then, as communities grew, high yield from crops became more important than nutrition or taste of your food. This was the beginning of the commercial farm.

We are committed to eating foods that are closest to their natural form
To maximize yield, commercial farms began to do things that small farms didn’t do. Such as using massive amounts of pesticides, irradiating food to kill bugs, fertilizers dumped into the soil, and even using genetically modified foods to resist pests. It worked! Amazing yields were achieved. However, this success came at a price. Soil microbes died from the fertilizers. Pesticide residues stayed on foods even after a thorough washing. And genetically modified foods were found to be lacking in certain nutrients. But Americans ignored these reports and bought these foods due to their low cost. Profits were high, and many small farms went out of business. With sickness and disease rampant, many people are “going back” to buying food from small farms, and bypassing the mega farms. People began to notice their health was better, foods tasted better, and the environment was cleaner. Cost is a little higher, but those of us who buy from small farms believe that it is worth it. We support our local family farms, and are committed to eating foods that are closest to their natural form utilizing few preservatives and additives. We have found exceptional value in ordering through a company called Azure Standard for many of our natural and organic products. We also have an extensive list of local farmers for meat and fresh produce. Please let us know if we can assist you.